Thursday, December 10, 2020

12 days of kiwi Christmas


I found It easy to think of ryhmeing words because I love to ryhme things alot.

I found it hard to try spell all these words Becausw yeah you will have easy words but there is some hard words.

We also had to make ever thing based on NewZealand because our whole groups from NewZealand.
The other people in my group atended to delete and add things that wern't needed but in the end we worked it all out.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Vinc/zents drawings


I found it easy to try recreate the drawing because I have seen this picture of the vincent van gogh plus you can look back at hr picture  when you wanted to.

I found it hard to get all the tinyest things in the detail for the drawing.

I found out that you have to make the background one plane colour unlike the real vincent van gogh drawing.

Next time I will try make the painting look the exact same.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

My Mandala art.


I enjoyed making this art because it reminded me the first time I did this on paper.When your useing paper It's better becasue you have a ruler to help you.

I found it hard to do the lines and put them in the correct order ecspecialy because I only used staight lines and a white border,I hope you like it.

Next time I will try costumeize it.

We were doing this for like 30 mins and a whole lot of things.
We wer also learning about a thing called mandala art,Try it?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What Christmas means to me.


I found it easy to make up these words because when you ten years old you will know alot about Christmas.

I found it hard to make it look like it was had writen and how many things I could choose of about Christmas.

Next time I will try have 500 words in my next letter.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Hawk on the loose!


I found it easy to make my own word boreder because I've been doing it for more then a year.

I found it hard to make the poetry up from only a few videos.

Next time I will try polyline a hawk and put that on the slide plus that could make things look either really intresting or really bad.

I could try make a full line without any imagies or viseos next time so I can really see what I can do.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020



I enjoyed reading this inspiracinal poster because its got the best background that could find.

I found it hard to read to go through over 200 lines to find and pick one.

Next time I will try make my own poster and inspire others.



I enjoyed making the poem beacuse you have so many ways to discribe the fireworks and the poem sunds really fancy when it ryhmes.

Next time I will try make the poem a little more shorter and make it stick out alot so its atractive.

I found it easy to find the gifs beacuse it really only takes five simple steps to finding it and thats good if your in a rush.

I found it hard to get the best and most discrpdive words in the senteces in the poem because when you writing a poem you have alot to think about like what fetures your useing weather it has emotives or not.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I went to meditate.


We have been learning about how to know when we are beening scammed or if we are.

 The digital learning object I've chosen to create is what isfauls and real because we thought that we could try trick people into thinking we actully went there.

I enjoyed this learning because it was really fun to make all these things and shoe them to you guys.

 One thing I would like to learn next about remove b.g is how to photo shop it.
  A question I still have about scamming people is how they actully do it?

Monday, October 19, 2020

What you need in a recount.

 This is what me and my buddy Houston know about 10 things you need to know in a recount.

1.Take a recount that has happend in this week so you know most of the details and this reason is because when you chose something more then one or two weeks ago you forget most of the details.

 2.When you are writting a recount it is something in the past tense and not something that happend right at this momment or after that momment because if it is then thats not a recount.

 3.Make sure you have all  the best punctuation so you get the read hooked in and also try to give a picture in there hed so it really becomes facinateing to the reader.

 4.use your emotions to tell them what happend so it gives a true touch to the recount.

 5.Remember to use only the words that you need for the recount so it doesn't bore the reader.

 6.Use the things that you enjoyed the most to you so they get apart of that joy with you.

 7.Make sure you really try to connect with the reader.

 8.Also remember to use what you smelt,what you herd,what you felt and when it happend.

 9.Remember to use intresting sentance starters.

10.When you are writing a recount you need to have the words then,when and because.

I found it hard to copoperate with my buddy because we keeped talking over eachother but in the end we found a difrence.

I found it easy to help Houston with his spelling because I really like to spell diffrent words after school to help my learning and others.

We were helping and recaping people what we need in a recount to make it good.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bird learning/2


We have been learning about pests and birds but it was really intresting because last time I wanted to know what foods and drinks they like.

The digital learning object I've chosen to create is polyline because Its one of my favorite activeitys on a chromebook.

I enjoyed this learning because I got to learn new thing which is really super good.

One thing I would like to learn next about birds is how to make a bird house or how some birds talk.

A question I still have about birds is how the flyable ones learn to fly.

Did you know that if you cut a magpies toungh correctly when its young it will be able to talk?

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Bird learning with group


We have been learning about birds and to tell if they are either Native,Endemic or introduced and it was a whole new thing to learning for me.

The digital learning object I've chosen to create is polyline because I thought it would be cool if we polylined a/some birds so it stands out more.

I enjoyed this learning because I got to learn new things about birds while also having fun with my group which is all I ever like in a coopretive  group.

One thing I would like to learn next about would be what they eat but I don't know what it is.

A question I still have about the birds is how many native birds are there in NZ. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Rangi and papa


 We have been learning about rangi and papa which makes it really intresting how our anseasters beileived. 

 The digital learning object I've chosen to create is is rangi and papa because our class wanted to learn alot more then we new about in maori. I enjoyed this learning because I got to comunicate with my friends well and we got learn each others strengths.

 One thing I would like to learn next about is how created these myths because there really intresding. A question I still have about rangi and papa is how did they meat.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Persasusive writing post


We were trying to convince about if we should pick up after oureselfs and I agred because I think if we made plastic and other things that ruin our envioment.thats why I think we can put a end to plastic.

I found it really hard to try find all these facts and what words to convice you guys to try stop plastic,
It was also hard to find all the correct links and if thwy were fake or not.

Next time Icould add more detail to my work and make it sound more convincing so i can get the things that im looking for.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rimu E-Book


I am learning about how to explane scratch.

I found it easy to help my friends.

I found it hard to try get the correct words in.

Next time I will try help out more.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scratch Commenting

we were learning how to create a good scratch film.

I found it hard to get all the right inputs to the scratch film.

I found it easy to get the people from my film

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

My favorite time.

 We were learning about our favorite time of day or night is.

I found it easy to find the image onlinewhile trying to think of what i could do to help my writtibg.

I found it challenging really find the descriptive launuege in the writting sample.

Next time I will try add quite alot more detail in my writting sample.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

the wild lab

We were learning about how to make a good pice of writting

I found it easy to re create this pice of writting

I found it challenging to find good punctuation

Next time I will try get it finished on time

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My work

We were learning about how to replace lazy word's with power word's
I found it easy to get the blog profile because it is the first thing that came up when i searched
I found it challenging to find powerful power word's because all of them where manely token
Next time I will try think of more and better power word's because I fell like i can push myself a little more so coment if i should next time.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Me comenting on my friend Seth's Blog

We were learning about how to comment on blogs.
I found it easy to screenshot the image from my chrome book.
I found it challenging to learn the process for the screenshot and posting.
Next time I will try finish earlier.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

My friends blog tour

We were learning about how to publish stuff
I found it easy write
I found it challenging to do the publishing cause im a noob
Next time I will try to do this with out any help

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

my profile

we were learning about our profile
i found it hard to find the posting thing
i found it easy to do my name
Next time i will try learn how to post without help

Hi! My name is vinzent my friends call me Vinny. What's your name?

My favorite thing to do is racing in my gokart while i’m not at school which is the one of the main things i don't like.
 but for some reason i can’t stop when I get a math problem which then helped me with liking school which then i went to gokarts to doing after school, swing lessons and still i love maths, karts and family.  

The most things i’m looking forwards to is trying to get one of my main goals for when I started racing which is getting the most highest points trophy in the whole of eastland kart club.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My intrests

we were learning about how to make a image with no background
I found it easy to make my background
I found it chalenging to make my background to disapear from me.