Thursday, January 13, 2022

Friday, November 12, 2021

Athletics day 2021


This was a really fun and it was really easy to remeber about this since yesterday, atleast for this day it is Athletics day.

It got really tricky thinking about all the things that I could add into it so that I can make my piece of writing.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Fun run!


This was a really fun piece of writing even though I had wruten it two weeks ago I couldn't find my original piece and so I had to slap this pice together in half an hour so if there's any mistakes then you know now why. It was a little fustraighting at the time as well.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Muck ups and fun at Doneraille park.


As a kid kiwi I love to go on camping trips and drives everywhere and my favorite spot is by far Doneraille park and when I heard that we could write about my favorite place I easily knew that this is the way to go about it. 

It got tough remembering it even though I've been there tweleve times it still came down to how much I did and what one to pick but I choose my tenth time. If you're wondering how I know how many times I've been there it's because I have photos from every time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Battery powerd car

 My grouop did a project on a battery powerd  car. It had already been made so all we need to do is examine and test it so that was very easy to say the least. It was hard to get it working again so that was challenging.I think for the next time I could work a bit faster and not get as frustraited.

The brian box.

 During the science group I'm we made a perpela spin using  electricity. It took a few trys to get there but we got there in the end. we had to use four batterys to power it and it did power it maybe a tad to much because it got up to the point of going so fast that it span off its holder and flew up into the air for a bit.It was sort of hard thinking of what we needed to make out of the brain box because we had missing pieces and most of the instructions were gone so it helped narrowing down to what we need to make so that part was easy and hard. But I think our whole group may need to coperate and work together more so that would be a good thing to work on next time if there is one.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Olympic fire torch


Today as a part of the inquiry sesion that Zaveir and I was about to do we made a tourch from the olympics and decided to put a black background in to make it look a bit more dramatic.
 But it got a bit anoying to restart the fire part which is the part that I did but because of me doble clicking my keboard it stopped it.
It was mostly hard with how I thought to do things or things such as designs.