Friday, September 25, 2020

Rangi and papa


 We have been learning about rangi and papa which makes it really intresting how our anseasters beileived. 

 The digital learning object I've chosen to create is is rangi and papa because our class wanted to learn alot more then we new about in maori. I enjoyed this learning because I got to comunicate with my friends well and we got learn each others strengths.

 One thing I would like to learn next about is how created these myths because there really intresding. A question I still have about rangi and papa is how did they meat.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Persasusive writing post


We were trying to convince about if we should pick up after oureselfs and I agred because I think if we made plastic and other things that ruin our envioment.thats why I think we can put a end to plastic.

I found it really hard to try find all these facts and what words to convice you guys to try stop plastic,
It was also hard to find all the correct links and if thwy were fake or not.

Next time Icould add more detail to my work and make it sound more convincing so i can get the things that im looking for.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rimu E-Book


I am learning about how to explane scratch.

I found it easy to help my friends.

I found it hard to try get the correct words in.

Next time I will try help out more.